How to conduct a body leasing contract and get benefits from this


Hiring employees by body leasing can be very beneficial for your company, but it is vital to take into account some non-obvious details.

What is body leasing, and when can it be useful?

This is a relatively recent form of hiring specialists with specific qualifications necessary for the company to work on a particular project. Since such an approach involves a limited period or irregular involvement of such an employee, this decision may be feasible from an economic and organizational point of view. Many recruiting agencies provide services for the search for such employees. However, since exactly IT experts are often hired according to this scheme, it is more rational to look for them in development companies, many of which also work on a Body Leasing basis.

This approach manifests itself most efficiently when you have a responsible employee on the staff who is deeply familiar with the project details and the team he runs. Then you can instruct him to hire additional specialists who are not enough at a particular stage. Since these invited experts will be involved only in narrowly limited time frames or for specific tasks, this will significantly reduce your expenses. Otherwise, you would have to either outsource the project or take an additional person to the staff.

One of the most attractive features of body leasing is that this format works in both directions. When your company needs additional employees with unique but not regularly demanded skills to strengthen your team, you can invite them to the prepared front of the work and pay for the agreed time or the planned result. At the same time, when some of your employees are not involved in current duties, they can be hired by other customers on the same basis. This will provide additional income for both your company and your specialists.

How to get an investor for your startup?

If you have an incredible $100 million idea and the only thing missing is a venture capitalist, then you need a minimum viable product (MVP). It will allow you to make a convincing presentation and get startup capital. With this money, you can already hire at least a small staff and release the first release, which will soon make you rich. However, what if you know what you want to achieve but don’t have the qualifications to make an MVP? In such a situation, body leasing may be the solution to the problem. You can hire a specialist or a development team to make a minimum viable product and get the necessary funding for it. Of course, contacting a company specializing in such orders remains available. However, in some cases (it all depends on many factors), body leasing can cost you less. It is impossible to say for sure, but this option is definitely worth considering when looking for a contractor to manufacture MVP.

Arguments for accounting

Sometimes the company has to deal with a ban on hiring new employees. There can be many reasons for this, and it is not the purpose of this article to explore them. However, it’s worth saying that a body leasing contract for a specialist you need to do a particular job can save the day. On the one hand, such an employment agreement fully protects the employee, even if you hire him for one day. On the other hand, you can save your bookkeeper from unnecessary burdens. Moreover, if you contact a recruiting agency or a development company to rent the expert you need, the company you got will take care of the paperwork guaranteeing his rights.

Little tricks, great savings

Suppose your company is engaged in developing IT projects, but the workload of your employees is undulating. In that case, you can enter into body leasing contracts with them, turning your company into an agency that provides services for hiring specialists for the same arrangements. Then you can plan your work so that you pay your employees only for the time that they are busy working on your products and rent them out for the rest of the time. Thus, you will not only get rid of the need to pay for their downtime but also earn money in this new direction, which is now being developed by many development companies. In addition, this approach will allow you to attract new customers. After all, not everything and everybody is suitable for body leasing, and it may well happen that many of these customers decide to completely outsource work on their project to your company.

It is also important to note that body leasing contracts provide virtually immense freedom to the employer, employee, and leasing company involved in selecting and providing the necessary specialists to the customer. The specificity of such employment agreements relieves both the employee and the employer from the shackles of a minimum guaranteed work period. The usual practice in the labor legislation of most countries is hiring for 3 or 6 months, during which the employee cannot quit, and the employer does not have the right to dismiss him if one of them is not satisfied with the working conditions or the qualifications of the new employee. Body leasing contracts do not provide for such restrictions. This is explained by the fact that such specialists are employees of a leasing agency that leases them out for any period. At the same time, the agency can pay them a salary or receive a commission from each contract

Summing up

Body leasing contracts are by no means a magical solution to all problems. In many cases, outsourcing a project or opening a new department within your own firm can be more cost-effective than hiring a highly skilled and expensive specialist by the hour. However, this way of finding a job and hiring employees contains a lot of opportunities, and a body leasing agency is a profitable business that deserves your close attention.