Difference between percentage and percentile

Difference between percentage and percentile

Are you someone who just gave an interview? Or a student who sat in an examination and waiting for the result? No matter whatever field you belong to, percentages and percentiles play an essential role. You can surely understand when the employer says that we are searching for the best candidate. Difference between percentage and percentile. Or if a teacher says that children with these percentages will be qualified for promotion. Percentages talk about everyday figures, and the calculation is straightforward. However, people who are not into mathematics can feel percentiles as a misleading term.

What is a percentage?

A percentage is a number out of 100 that is not a value below which a certain number of deals are found. The symbol of the ratio is %. A percentage doesn’t have quartiles, and it is not based on the ranking of numbers.

Percentages are a simple way of comparing things with each other. Percentages are used to gather information about proportions and ratios. It is easier for the reader to differentiate between percentages rather than ratios with different denominators.

What is a percentile?

A percentile is a value below which a certain number of deals are found. The symbol representing a percentile is nth. Percentiles have quartiles, and they are based on the ranking of numbers. A percentile is relevant to percentage in some ways. Say as an example: The 35th percentile on voting is 110. That means that if you scored 110, you scored better than 35% of the people standing in the same elections.

What are the differences between percentage and percentile?

Let’s look at how percentages and percentile differ from each other. Some key points will help in this differentiation.

1. Definition

A percentage is the mathematical unit of measurement. It represents the answer out of a total of 100. In contrast, the percentile is a value below which a certain number of deals are found.

2. Unit

The percentage unit is %, and the percentile team is xth—for example, 50% and 5th.

3. Quartiles

A percentile has quartiles, but a percentage doesn’t have it.

4. Ratio

A percentage can be written in the form of ratios, unlike percentiles.

5. Decimals

Unlike percentile, percentages can be written in the form of decimals.

6. Ranking

In contrast to a percentage, a percentile is based on the rank of numbers.

7. Case

A percentage talks about a single case only, whereas a percentile is based on the ranking of the numbers.

8. Distribution

Unlike percentage, percentile relies on the normal distribution.

9. Formula

The percentage formula is: Percentage (Numerator/Denominator) x 100

The formula for percentile is: Percentile Rank Formula, R = P/100 (N+1)


R = rank order of score

P = percentile rank, and

N = number of a score in a distribution.

Essential Key Points for Differencing between percentage and percentile

We want to sum up this blog with some essential key points that you may never forget. Firstly, a percentage is a quantity, and the percentile is a quantification. If we use the words percentile and rate in a general day-to-day example, this example fits the best. What if you have given a test recently? The percentage of the result will show how well you did in that exam. And the percentile will tell how well you did among your fellow students.

A percentile is a percentage member that can employ in an assigned distribution to find out how many figures are below a mathematical value system (number). A percentile is a theory based on a percentage. A percentage gives a fraction, while a percentile indicates a quartile.

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